two-liners -- three twoliner short musings
Helmet Chicken -- this poem was written during my high school's 15th Annual Honor Awards Banquet. My friend and I were bored after we had eaten dinner and were waiting for the awards ceremony to begin so we wrote this humorous poem
janie -- this poem was written as a creative response to the book Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. I wrote this my senior year in high school for my english class
go on -- written on a sleepy afternoon after having had little sleep because of watching my boyfriend and his lab partner try to build a robot for competition...moderately influenced by Federico Garcia Lorca's colorful, biting, and sarcastic poem Ode to Walt Whitman. This poem is a dramatic description of me coming back to look at the remains of our house many years later after it has become run-down.
Things to Do -- This is a fun one...just read it! It's been done so many times before, but it's fun to do anyway :)
Hwincho -- short piece about something that somebody said to me.
task3 -- random random random...I don't know where this fits exactly on my page and where and how it will end up so for now I'll just stick it here on this page that hardly anyone every bothers to finish reading.
QUOTES -- I typed these in from my quote notebook
Project Bartleby -- Bartlett's Familiar Quotations Online